Audio Clip on Jennifer Lynn Heck
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Comments from Podcast Founder
There are SO many books screaming for your attention. How is a discerning mom to know which ones matter? Which ones match her values? Which ones are true to God's Word? Read What Matters is a ministry of Million Praying Moms designed to help you know where to spend your time, attention, and hard-earned money.
Recommended Read: Walking Victoriously Through a Fiery Furnace by Jennifer Lynn Heck
Things I Love About the Book
It’s a real story. Jennifer really experienced deep hurt and trauma related to betrayal, and fought her way back to spiritual and emotional health based on the truths found in God’s Word. She teaches the reader how to use what she calls the “Word Activated Response” strategy in prayer to defeat Satan’s deception and attacks.
It’s written a bit like an allegory. Walking Victoriously through a Fiery Furnace tackles a deep, painful situation in a way that makes it easier to digest without losing impact. Jennifer says the book is written like an epistle, which simply means a letter written to a group of people. Much of the New Testament books are written as epistles, but don’t be confused. Jennifer is not saying this book is authoritative like the Bible. In fact, she would say exactly the opposite. It’s just a writing style, and I think you’ll like it.
It’s gorgeous. Jennifer is a creator. In addition to writing the content, she beautifully illustrated this book in full color.