Blog Categories: 7

Inviting you on a journey through a fiery furnace to heal a wounded soul
Dear friend, through the interactive format of this epistle, you will discover Satan’s evil schemes and learn how to defeat them. Even if you have experienced a different type of trauma other than false teaching, this epistle is written to you. You will discover how to not only survive, but to flourish! You will find words of comfort, hope and encouragement. Perhaps for the first time, you will come to know Jesus Christ as the Great Physician and trust him to transform your brokenness into blessings.
Modern Epistle
January 15, 2024

New year reflections, not resolutions
Did you make New Year resolutions? Have you already encountered struggles keeping them? Here’s the good news: you can forget them! Resolutions rarely bring lasting change. Perhaps because God did not design us to make changes on our own.
Faith Journey
January 3, 2022

Is the baby Jesus smothering beneath the trappings of Christmas?
Will your celebration this year be the same relentless race from Thanksgiving to the New Year’s finish line? Many people—even Christians—admit that November and December usually blur together. Christmas comes and goes somewhere in the midst of all the busyness.
Faith Journey
November 15, 2001

Announcing: New eBook and redesigned paperback book released in January 2021
From a human standpoint, the following is impossible to accomplish within one month: (1) Decided to independently publish my book using the services of Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing. (2) Redesigned the book’s cover and pages. (3) Celebrated the third edition paperback of “A Heavenly Conversation One Night Before Christmas” becoming available for sale on January 1 AND first eBook on January 12. (4) Created a video announcing my new book. Please join me in thanking Lord God for doing all these amazing things!
January 27, 2021

God’s sovereign response to people choosing to live in falsehood
God is very willing to forgive the wayward sins of all people—no matter how horrendous their iniquities. He is full of love and compassion. However, Lord God is also holy and just; he cannot fellowship with evil and sin. Creator God hides his face from people who choose to live in falsehood. He withdraws his compassionate care, provision and protection. If they won’t repent, God will no longer even mention their names from his lips.
June 9, 2020